TD Price Guarantee ✓
Tenderdolls guarantee the fairiest and most reasonable price in the industry.
We are an authorized seller of genuine, high quality sex dolls from the best know sex doll factories in China. However, the high quality materials and extensive quality control makes our dolls quite a big investment.
Despite that, we want to offer the most reasonable price to our customers. Therefore, if you find a company which sells genuine sex dolls at a lower price, we are willing to match their price.
Note: this only works with authorized re sellers who sell genuine sex dolls only and only before and 48 hours after the purchase.
Found the same doll for less? Here’s what you can do:
- Firstly, contact Tenderdolls using the live chat widget on the website or at [email protected]
- Let us know where you have found the lower price and allow us to investigate the seller.
- Hopefully, we will be able to match their price.